In this page- - Morphology - Flowers - Hypogynous flower Perigynous flower Epigynous flower Estivation Androecium Gynoecium Placentation Morphology The study of varied external options of the plants is thought as plant morphology. The Angiosperms are characterized by presence of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. These are the most important characteristics of angiosperms. Flower The flower It is the fruitful unit within the angiosperms . It is meant for reproduction. A typical flower has four completely different types of whorls organized in turn on the swollen finish of the stalk or pedicle, referred to a as neural structure or receptacle or thalamus . These are curl, corolla, androeciun, gynoecium. Calyx and corolla are accent organs. Androecium and gametoecium and fruitful organs. Bisexual -When a flower has each gametoecium and gametoecium. Uni sexual- A flower having eit...
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