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The basic structural and practical unit of life is cell. 
Cell structure varies in size and form. 

History of cell 

Robert Hooke in 1665, 
ascertained a chunk of cork underneath the magnifier and detected it to be created from tiny compartment that he known as “cells.” 
Robert Hooke derived the name, 'cell '. 
Anton Von Lewenhoek classified organisms in 2 sorts by the amount of their cells. 
Unicellular cell
Multicellular cell

Theory of cell 

Metthias physiologist and Theodore Theodor Schwann in 1938bproposed the scientific theory that was later changed by diagnostician in 1885. 
The theory was All living organisms' area unit composed of cells and product of the cells. 
All cells arise from pre-existing cells. 

Unicellular organism 

A animate thing organism is AN organism that consists of one cell. 
They are usually microscopic and can't be seen with the optic. 
For example- amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, plant life, E coli etc. 

Multicellular organism 

Organisms that consist of mire than one cell area unit called cellular organisms. 
Most cellular organisms' area unit visible to optic. 
For example- dirt mites, plants, animals, insects, birds, mushrooms, etc. 

Components of the cell- Golgibodies 

Golgi equipment discovered in 1898 by Golgi. 
Their are three to seven Golgi body organelles present in an animal cell. 
Not present in blue protoctist. 
Golgi apparatus in plant is thought as, ”dictyosomes” Many of those organelles' area unit present in a very cell. 
In animals cells, the Golgi apparatus is gift close to the nucleus. 
In the plant cell, they're gift everywhere, and round the cell. 

Functions of Golgi apparatus 

Its perform is to store and transport proteins and lipids that have been synthesized. 
It additionally helps with synthesis, and secretion of vital molecules. 
Helps to synthesize wall component like cellulose, mucilage. 
These proteins' area unit keep in a very temporary cavum called the " Lipochondria.”


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