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The study of varied external options of the plants is understood as a plant morphology. 
The angiosperm is characterized by presence of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. 
These are the most characteristics of angiosperms. 
The stem is the ascending part of the axis bearing branches, leaves, flower and fruits. 
It develops from the down feather of the embryo of a germinating seed. 
The stem bears nodes and internodes. 
The regions of the stem wherever leaves are born are known as nodes, whereas, internodes are the parts between 2 nodes. 
The main operate of the stem is spreading out branches, bearing leaves, flowers, and fruits. 
Modification of stem 
1. Rhizome- 
Rhizome are non-inexperienced with distinct nodes and internodes. 
These are brown in color. 
Example- Ginger 
2. Bulb-
The bulb might tunicated. 
A sheath of dry membranes scale leaves protected the chordate bulb. 
Example- Onion 
3. Tuber- 
The tuber could be a fleshy a part of the plant that stores food. 
Example- Potato 
4. Stolen- They grow via aircraft for a few times and so bent downward to the touch the bottom. 
Taken arise from the bottom of stem.
 Example- Jasmin 
5. Climber- 
The stem gets changed into a thread like to defoliate structure is known as tendrils. 
These are meant for rise. 
Example- Passiflora


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