Study of morphology of angiospermic plants, root,stem,leaf,flower,fruit
Morphology of angiospermic plants
The study of assorted external options of the plants is understood as plant morphology.
The angiosperms is characterized by presence of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits.
These are the most important characteristics of angiosperms.
The root is underground a part of the plant and developed from elongation of raddicle.
There are four main functions of the foundation system
1. The absorption of water and minerals from the soil.
2. Providing a correct anchorage to the plant elements.
3. Storage of reserve food material.
4. Synthesis of plant growth regulators.
There area unit in the main three kinds of roots.
1. Tap root-
It originates from radicle.
2. Fibrous root-
Example- wheat and paddy.
3. Adventitious root-
It originates from the part of a plants aside from bodily structure.
The apex of the foundation is roofed by a thimble- like structure referred to as plant organ, it protects the tender apex of the foundation whereas, creating approach through soil.
Above the foundation cap region of meristematic activity, having little cells with dense protoplasm.
The half on top of the region of meristematic activity is the region of elongation wherever cells bear elongation and enlargement to extend the length of the foundation.
Region of maturation contains root hairs that facilitate within the absorption of water and minerals.
Modification of roots
Roots are changed for storage, organic process, aeration and support.
The taproot of carrot, turnip and adventitious roots of sweet potato gets swollen to store food.
Proper root of a banyan and stilt root of maize and sugarcane have supporting roots coming out from the lower node of the stems.
In Rhizosphere, pneumatophores area unit gift that facilitate to induce atomic number 8 for respiration as it grows in slough areas.
The stem is the ascending part of the axis bearing branches, leaves, flower and fruits.
It develops from the down feather of the embryo of a germinating seed.
The stem bears nodes and internodes.
The regions of the stem wherever leaves are born are known as nodes, whereas, internodes are the parts between 2 nodes.
The main operate of the stem is spreading out branches, bearing leaves, flowers, and fruits.
Modification of stem
1. Rhizome-
Rhizome are non-inexperienced with distinct nodes and internodes.
These are brown in color.
2. Bulb-
The bulb might tunicated.
A sheath of dry membranes scale leaves protected the chordate bulb.
3. Tuber-
The tuber could be a fleshy a part of the plant that stores food.
4. Stolen-
They grow via aircraft for a few times and so bent downward to the touch the bottom.
Taken arise from the bottom of stem.
Example- Jasmin
5. Climber-
The stem gets changed into a thread like to defoliate structure is known as tendrils.
These are meant for rise.
Example- Passiflora
The leaf A planar structure of a better plant, usually green and blade like, that's hooked up to a stem directly or via a stalk.
Leaves area unit the most organs of chemical action and transpiration.
A leaf consists of 3 parts- leaf base, petiole, lamina.
The leaf is hooked up with stem by leaf base which can bear 2 tiny leafs like structure is known as a plant structure.
The middledle distinguished vein termed because the mid vein.
Vein give rigidity to the leafage and act as a channel for the transport of water and minerals.
The arrangement of vein and veinlets within the plate is thought as venation.
There area unit 2 varieties of venation
1. Parallel venation
2. Reticulated venation
Leaf, having a singlrbor undivided plate is named an easy leaf.
The incisions did not bite the vein.
Example- mango, guava, etc.
When the incision of plate reaches up to the vein and breaking it into the variety of leaflets, it's known as compound leaves.
In a pinnately compound leaves, variety of leaflets area unit gift on a typical axis known as Rashid.
Example- tree.
In palmate compound leaves, the leaflets' are hooked up at a typical purpose.
Example- kapok.
Leaves are changed to perform alternative functions like regenerate to plant part for rising as in peas and spines for defense in succulent
The flower It is the fruitful unit within the angiosperms .
It is meant for reproduction.
A typical flower has four completely different types of whorls organized in turn on the swollen finish of the stalk or pedicle, referred to a as neural structure or receptacle or thalamus .
These are curl, corolla, androeciun, gynoecium.
Calyx and corolla are accent organs.
Androecium and gametoecium and fruitful organs.
Bisexual -When a flower has each gametoecium and gametoecium.
Uni sexual- A flower having either solely stamens or solely carpels.
Based on the position of ovary with reference to different floral half on neural structure flower are of following sorts.
1. Hypogynous flower
Ovary occupies the best position.
The ovary in such case is named superior.
2. Perigynous flower
If the gymnasium is settled at the center and different elements are on the rim at same hight.
3. Epigynous flower
The margin of neural structure grows into fully cowl the ovary.
The mode of the arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with reference to the opposite members of same whorl is named as estivation.
Estivation of flower is of 4 sorts.
Androecium consists of stamens.
Each reproductive structure that represents the male sex organ consists of a stalk or a filament associate degreed a reproductive structure.
Gynoecium is the feminine fruitful a part of the flower and is formed from one or a lot of pistils.
A pistil consists of 3 elements particularly stigma, vogue and ovary.
Placentation The arrangement of ovules at intervals the ovary is named placentation. Their square measure 5 forms of placentation.
1. Marginal placentation
The ovules develop in rows close to the margin on the placenta fashioned on the ventral structure.
For example- family Leguminous.
2. Parietal placentation
The placenta is created by the swelling from cohering margins and on the latter develop the ovules in rows.
For example- family Papaveraceae
3. Axial placentation
Here, the placenta develop from the central axis that correspond to the convergent margins of pistil.
For example- potato family, malvaceae.
4. Free central
The placenta develop within the center of the ovary as a prolongation of the floral axis and therefore, the ovules square measure hooked up on the axis.
For example- Primulaceae.
5. Basal placentation
The plalcenta develops directly in the neural structure and bears one ovule at the bottom of the unilocular ovary.
The fruits
The fruit may be characteristic feature of the plants.
It is mature or aged ovary, developed when a fertilisation.
If fruit is made while not fertilization of the ovary, it's known as a parthenocarpic fruit.
Fruit consists of seeds and seed vessel or pericarp.
Thick and fleshy seed vessel is 3 beds known as exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp.
Monocotyledon seeds
The flowering plant embryos have one cotyledon.
They have a fibrous root system.
In flowering plant flowers, the quantity of individual components of the flower is adequate or multiple of 3.
Dicotyledonous seeds
The magnoliopsid embryos have a try of cotyledons.
They have a faucet or tap root system.
The number of individual components in an exceedingly dicot flower is adequate or multiple of 4 or 5.
Example- beans, cauliflower, apples, and pears.
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